CAMP GEN. ALEJO SANTOS, Bulacan—Police arrested the Top Most Wanted Person (MWP) in San Miguel town including eighteen other wanted persons in a series of anti-criminality operations in different towns and cities on Wednesday.
Bulacan police director Col. Relly Arnedo identified the arrested as Gilbert Victoria, listed as the Top One MWP – Municipal Level in San Miguel town.
Victorio was snatched by the police in Barangay Biclat based on a warrant of arrest issued by the Presiding Judge of Branch 83 of the Bulacan Regional Trial Court (RTC,),Third Judicial Region in City of Malolos for Violation of R.A 10591 (Illegal Possesion of Firearm and Ammunition).
In City of San Jose del Monte, Norzagaray, Calumpit and Marilao, the police also arrested eighteen wanted persons with standing warrants of arrests for various crimes issued by different courts in and outside Bulacan.
Arnedo said the arrested individuals are currently held in custody by the respective arresting police units and stations.
According to Arnedo, Bulacan police relentless pursuit of wanted criminals reflects the commitment of Police Region 3 Director PBGen Jose Hidalgo Jr. on the police mandate in maintaining peace and order in the region under the “Pulis ng PRO 3, Partner ng Pamayanan” thrust.