CITY OF MALOLOS–Gov. Daniel Fernando on Tuesday led the distribution of Department of Agriculture’s P35.9 million worth of farm equipment and supplies to about 600 Bulacan farmers, vegetable growers and fishermen.
Farmer’s Cooperative Association, Bulacan Fishermen registered in Fishery Registry System (Fish-R) and Dumagat fisher folks from Bulakan, Hagonoy, Obando, City of Malolos, City of Meycauayan, Bocaue, Marilao, and Norzagaray benefited from the Agriculture and Fisheries intervention of the DA.
The farmer beneficiaries received 3 units of 4-wheel tractors, 3 units Combine Harvester, 14 pump engine set, 4 warehouse dryers which will help increase their rice productivity.
About 100 vegetable growers received 100 knapsack sprayers and 180 kilos of assorted vegetable seeds while registered fisher folks were provided with 170 rolls of Gillnet with Accessories, 120 rolls of Multi-Filament PE net, 5 marine engine, smokehouse, 3 smokehouse package and 5 tri-bike including 40 units potable solar lamp, 40 spear gun for Dumagat.
Fernando said through these supplies, facilities and equipment, Bulacan farmers and fishermen are expected to produce more yield.
Vice Gov. Alex Castro who will have his inaugural session on July 14 assured Bulacan farmers, fishermen and vegetable growers of their protection and interests through the provincial ordinances he would lead passed and prioritized.